Our phone number is: +36 30 750 8691
Our address is: 1123 Budapest, Alkotás street 53.
MoM Park shopping center, 3rd floor.
(Elevator is in the alley, front of the bridge)
Our e-mail: [email protected]
Opening hours: 10:00AM – 20:00PM.
Ticket type | Price | Descriptipon |
1 Hour child ticket | 3300 Ft | Every extra 30 minutes cost 1350 Ft |
30 minute child ticket | 1650 Ft | |
Full day child ticket | 5500 Ft | Unlimited stay |
Extra adult (besides the 1 free adult/ billing cycle) | 1000 Ft | |
Birthday informations
We are extremely happy to see You here!
Before you begin to organize a birthday party at the playhouse, there’s so much to do!
1. First, you need to choose a package. Packages contain cakes and pizzas, and each known as slices – not whole pizzas and cakes:
Lola package
6000 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake slice
– 2 adult tickets

Lola package
5500 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake
– 2 adult tickets

Maya package
7000 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake slice
– pizza slice
– 4 adult tickets

Maya package
6500 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake
– pizza
– 4 adult tickets
Harimau package
7500 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake slice
– 1 teamplay
– pizza slice
– balloon gifts at the end of the party
– 8 adult tickets

Harimau package
7500 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake
– 1 teamplay
– pizza
– balloon gifts at the end of the party
– 8 adult tickets

Active package
8000 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn and syrup-based juice
– during the room reservation 2hr period
– choosen cake slice
– choosen pizza slice
– 2 teamplay
– 8 adult entry

Active package
8500 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn and syrup-based juice
– during the room reservation 2hr period
– choosen cake slice/child
– choosen pizza
– 2 teamplay
– 8 adult entry
Disco package
8000 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
and unlimited syrup-based juice
during the room reservation (2hr period)
– choosen cake slice
– disco room (fixed playlist)
– bubbledance
– 8 adult tickets

Disco package
8500 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– during the room reservation 2hr period
– choosen cake slice/child
– karaoke (fixed playlist)
– bubbledance
– 8 adult tickets

Jungle package
14500 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake slice
– 2 teamplay
– pizza slice
– glitter tattoo
– balloon animals at the end of the party
– bubble machine dance
– 1 daily ticket as a present for each children
– 10 adult tickets

Jungle package
15000 Ft / child
– unlimited popcorn
– unlimited syrup-based juice
– choosen cake
– 2 teamplay
– pizza
– glitter tattoo
– balloon animals at the end of the party
– bubble machine dance
– 1 daily ticket as a present for each children
– 10 adult tickets
2. Then you need to choose a date, and time slot for the party. Our FIXED time slots are:
10:30 AM, 13:00PM, and 15:30PM.
3. The reservation contains 2 hr of room usage, and 1 hr of free play at the playhouse. So the party last 3hrs long. The unlimited popcorn and juice last until the first 2 hours of each package. The packages are not mixable, the prices and the containments are fixed, the containments means 1 slice cake and 1 slice pizza /child and there must be minimum 8 children who attend. If you want to invite more adults – more than the fixed numbers in the package – we have an “extra adult ticket option” at the beginning of the party. You cannot bring food or drink or cake inside the playhouse, except gluten/sugar/milk/nut free beverages, but for these, we need a special bakery report, called “HACCP igazolás” which must state that the cake is sugar/milk/nut/gluten free. The choosen pizza flavours and qantity will be discussed when you are arrive.
We have some extra options for your unforgettable birtday, which you can choose 10 days before the date:
Balloon rain: 50.000 Ft, Glitter tattoo 650 Ft /child, Facepainting 15.000 Ft/1hr, Balloon animals 5000 Ft,clown or magician has an extra individual price, Pizza 3900 Ft/32 cm, sweet-salty mini pastry 10 dkg/540 Ft/child, Coca Cola selection, tresure hunting 10000 Ft/party, photographer is available for an extra, but it needs further discussion. Please bring your own candles and fireworks, because we does not provide these.
4. If you have decided what is a must for your dream birthday, then please give us a phone call (+36307508691), or write an email ([email protected]) with the details. Our colleagues will reach out, and confirm the party details, and which date/hour, is available.
5. Then, as the last step, you have to make a deposit of (25.000 Ft) in person, at the playhouse reception, to make sure, and fill the reservation form is inevitable.
IMPORTANT! Without these steps, there is no booking option! The phone call, or an email is not equivalent for booking. You need to fill the form, and make a reservation in person!
Upon entering, you must consent to the rules of the house, and our GDPR personal data regulation.

You can buy invitations in English for your birthday party at the reception for HUF 150/piece.
Rules of the house
Dear Guests!
The playhouse’s maximum capacity is 80 people.
Upon entering you will accept our regulations, and GDPR.
Please fill the registration form at the entrance. The person who filling the form is responsible for the authenticity of the written data.
The Playhouse can only be used for guests between the age of 0 and 3 under the supervision of an accompanying adult. Only those over 18 may be an adult companion, and under 18 you must provide a companion. In the Playhouse, we only accept children over the age of three without adult supervision, in the specified ways. Please let us know in advance, if another relative is coming for the child who is staying here, as part of supervision or childcare. All children whom entering as supervised or with childcare circumstances must be potty-trained. The adult-free staying lasts maximum 3 hours, and available in weekdays from 10 AM to 19:30PM. On the registration paper, you must give us a phone number WHICH IS ALWAYS ON!!
Children with speacial needs must be accompanied – as we do not have an exact certified colleague.
We ask you to stay at home, if you feel sick. Our colleagues have a right to deny the entry, if you are visibly sick.
You must be in sock/shoecover, we do not accept indoor shoes.
Strollers are prohibited in the playing area, please leave these in our locker, or in the baby stroller safety zone
Please leave your glasses at the locker, because it is a safety concern.
We are not responsible for what you leave in the lockers.
You can not bring your own food or drink to the playhouse.
Please eat and drink at the designated areas in our Café.
We have a surveillance system, and our personal data regulations accesibble at the reception.
Use our games and playhouse at your own risk, there are informations about the usage on the side of each and every game.
Please leave the baby area just for the babies.